SoccerPots Homepage

Leagues are accessed via the ‘Join a League’ button

Create Private leagues via the green ‘Manage League’ button

Join Private Leagues via the blue ‘Join League’ button

On the homepage, Private leagues are represented with a green logo and Public leagues are represented with a blue logo

SoccerPots Leagues

Create Private leagues via the green ‘Manage League’ button

Join Private Leagues via the blue ‘Join League’ button

On the homepage, Private leagues are represented with a green logo and Public leagues are represented with a blue logo

SoccerPots Join Public League

Join Private leagues by entering the league code which would have been supplied via your league manager

Create Private leagues by entering the following details

League Name

Cost per round

Number of matches per round

League pot distribution

Instant Win – pot is won by the players with the highest number of correctly predicted results

For example, if the league has 10 players all paying £5 each, the winner(s) will get all, or a share of, £50 each round

Instant Win leagues have no rollovers

Please note each round is subject to SoccerPots commission and the above example is for illustrative purposes only

SoccerPots Create Private League Winner Takes All

Create Private leagues by entering the following details

League Name

Cost per round

Number of matches per round

League pot distribution

Instant Win – pot is won by the players with the highest number of correctly predicted results

For example, if the league has 10 players all paying £5 each, the winner(s) will get all, or a share of, £50 each round

Instant Win leagues have no rollovers

Please note each round is subject to SoccerPots commission and the above example is for illustrative purposes only

SoccerPots Create Private League Winner Takes All

Winner Takes All – pot is only won when ALL matches for the round are correctly predicted

For example, if the league has 10 players all paying £5 each, the pot will increase by £50 EACH ROUND until won

If the pot is not won it’s rolled over to the next round and this carries on until ALL matches are correctly predicted

After the pot is won, the pot returns to zero and the league carries on

Please note each round is subject to SoccerPots commission and the above example is for illustrative purposes only

Closest Winner – choose a percentage of the rounds pot the closest winner(s) will receive

For example, if the percentage is set to 25% and the league has 10 players all paying £5 each, the Closest Winner will receive £12.50 (25% of £50). The remaining £37.50 is rolled over EACH ROUND into the pot

The same happens each subsequent round and the pot keeps rolling over until ALL matches are correctly predicted. After the pot is won, the pot returns to zero and the league carries on

Please note each round is subject to SoccerPots commission and the above example is for illustrative purposes only

Create the league by pressing the ‘Create League’ button

SoccerPots Create Private League Closest Winner

Closest Winner – choose a percentage of the rounds pot the closest winner(s) will receive

For example, if the percentage is set to 25% and the league has 10 players all paying £5 each, the Closest Winner will receive £12.50 (25% of £50). The remaining £37.50 is rolled over EACH ROUND into the pot

The same happens each subsequent round and the pot keeps rolling over until ALL matches are correctly predicted. After the pot is won, the pot returns to zero and the league carries on

Please note each round is subject to SoccerPots commission and the above example is for illustrative purposes only

Create the league by pressing the ‘Create League’ button

SoccerPots Private League Code

After the league has been created you can either view the league or share the league code with your SoccerPots community

The best way to get the league code out into your SoccerPots community is to create a Whats App group

Other methods are available depending on which apps you have installed on your mobile, including…

Text message






SoccerPots Share Code

The best way to get the league code out into your SoccerPots community is to create a Whats App group

Other methods are available depending on which apps you have installed on your mobile, including…

Text message






SoccerPots Share League Code

Clicking on one of the communication methods automatically generates a message with the league details, including the code

You can then share this, for example via the Whats App messaging service, as shown here

In order to pick the football matches for your Private league, you need to access the league from the SoccerPots homepage

Once viewing the league, you can enter the fixture screen via the ‘Publish next rounds fixtures’ button

SoccerPots Private League

In order to pick the football matches for your Private league, you need to access the league from the SoccerPots homepage

Once viewing the league, you can enter the fixture screen via the ‘Publish next rounds fixtures’ button

SoccerPots Pick Fixtures

The fixtures screen displays a number of English and European football leagues and competitons

The leagues can be access via the horizontal scroll bar

Clicking on the league will display the upcoming fixures ordered by date

Fixtures can be added by clicking on a football match and the selected fixtures are displayed at the top of the screen

Once all fixtures have been selected, the round can be published by pressing the ‘Publish Fixtures’ button

Success message displayed after creating the round

All league players will be notified of a new round via a mobile notification

SoccerPots Private Round Published

Success message displayed after creating the round

All league players will be notified of a new round via a mobile notification

SoccerPots Private League Predictions

You can then enter you own predictions via the Predictions screen